1. Financial Support
Street2School is actively campaigning following a clear vision to offer education for Nigerian children out school. All financial request are presented with the project they are meant to accomplish.
2. Spending
Volunteers at Street2School give their time and effort without financial compensations directly or indirectly. Donations are used solely toward the project given for. Street2School can provide evidence of usage of donated money per donor request, in the form of receipts or electronic transactions detailing on spendings.
3. Communication
We use E-mails to communicate with the public. The under listed are our official E-mail:
We ask that you check this space to know of changes in our E-mails in the future.
4. Money Transfer
Nigerian Bank Account
We will use your donation to pay the school fees of kids (that were) into child labour, on the streets but now currently back to school through our sponsorship project #Street2SchoolNigeria
Thanks for your kindness and warm generosity towards these little ones.
Donate to our account in NAIRA, USD, GBP & EUR
First Bank Nigeria
Account Name: Darius Legacy Foundation
Account Numbers:
Naira 2033840321
EUR 2033840486
USD 2033840486
GBP 2033840527
Swift Code: FBN1NGLA
Sort Code: 011150000
Donations could also be made using PayPal or through GoFundMe
5. Projects
1. School Construction.

Donation for School Building Project
” We envision raising money to build a school where street children under child Labor will be welcome to have free and quality education in Nigeria, West Africa. ”
Your donation will be used in the purchase of land and building material such as; cement, rods, sands, wires, pipes, stones, woods, paints, flooring, roofing, playing ground, mattresses, wooden beds, classroom chairs, learning materials, and provision of the clean water system and dormitory.
We will be so glad to have you, partner, with us financially or skillfully in reaching this goal.
Our purpose is to offer Helping Hands to that child who would like to someday become a Nurse, Lawyer, Pilot or a Doctor, etc.